Polaris-ed World

Is it true that global connectedness is a good thing? Or are we all considering a move to castle, pull up the drawbridge like in the middle ages, so we believe we can live and work with like-minded others in peace? The world is doing better according to big data:…

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Covid, grief & surfing the waves

In between the statistics and government announcements about lockdown rules, many people have suffered and some shared their personal stories. Depending on where you are, you are or are not able to see your loved ones because they are sheltered elderly or vulnerable. I too am in/have had a personal…

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Now is a time to unite whilst “social distancing”

If ever there was a VUCA event (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) it is the Covid-19 virus crisis (Corona Virus). Trying to figure out how to process information, take care of yourself, maintaining or finding a new job, care for others is important. What then to do whilst not feeling overwhelmed…

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In a courageous new world, should we be resilient or vulnerable?

If we consider the popularity of competitive shows – be it (country) has got talent, (country)’s Top Model/Designer/Mountain Climber – we like a tough journey, with highs and lows and where only the one’s who work hard and who have tenacity make it. In the real world, however, organisations deal…

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