Wellbeing in times of anxiety
The world is in flux, it seems. It may not be worse than 20 years ago but for those staring at the ceiling at night, worrying about the US elections, Brexit, Syria, Yemen, immigration, Calais, the environment, Russia, inflation, etc. it can affect daily functioning and general happiness. It may also be that you suffer from anxiety or depression in general.
There are many sources that can help and I hope that there is a community around you that gives support. Having friendly support is wonderful but sometimes we’re on our own and then what can we do?
Some links that may help:
Breathing gif – good webaddress to save in your bookmarks on your computer or smart phone: https://goo.gl/73WqGM
The science behind well being: Ed Diener came to talk to a big group of Cross Cultural Psychologists over the summer. He heads the Happiness Project. Their main aim is to figure out what makes people happy. It’s a non-profit and one of the key things they explore is the cultural variability when it comes to what makes us happy. A lot of this has to do with the values and norms that are prevalent in the society within which we live. If it’s a match – great. If it’s a mis-match, then a migrant, for example, may experience great anxiety (my area of research is Person-Nation Fit and I did a talk for the Brighton anti-fascist group some time ago, which was very interesting because they don’t like the idea of a ‘nation’ but we talked about belonging to a community and how important that can be for some people.). More on Ed Diener’s project here: http://www.pursuit-of-happiness.org/our-story/
Listening to podcasts when you’re awake at night can help. There are so many podcasts – from guided meditations to topics that’ll send you off to sleep. It is another tool to be ‘in the moment’ as when someone’s reading you a story, your thoughts aren’t distracting you (as much). I really like:
The Reith Lectures. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00729d9/episodes/downloads if you have a podcast app on your tablet/phone then you can search for ‘Reith lectures’ and you don’t have to go via the BBC website
Stuff you should know. Two American lads discuss random topics. http://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts
Exercise – if it’s too cold for some to do excercise outside, then these videos can help doing, for example, yoga indoors. Yin yoga is a form that is very ‘quiet’. There are morning versions and versions before bed.
meditative yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nCl2GY6esQ
Learn how to use and apply a breath meditation within these long holding restorative postures. Experience a deep release and as you breathe let stress and tension …
Self care yoga in two parts. This is Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPHvjE5GbG0
Good for working on core stability & stretching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKVrULGZaeo
Core Strength and Stretch with Melissa McLeod Yoga offers many benefits for our health, daily yoga practice to get the best health! The effects of yoga on anxiety and …
Evening yoga short: https://vimeo.com/75119440
Evening yin yoga long and this is also good for the spine after a day behind a computer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMqMrDLBYro
http://www.ekhartyoga.com 60 minutes Yin Yoga for the Spine. This free online yoga class is a perfect and sometimes necessary complement to the dynamic and muscular …
Simple and gentle asana, to prepare the body and mind for a deep and beautiful sleep. :: If you wish to stay in touch and get updates on my yoga classes, and my …
Free short meditations by Brighton-based Anxiety author Charlotte Watts https://www.charlottewattshealth.com/free-audio-meditations/
Guided meditation by Tara Brach https://www.tarabrach.com/guided-meditations/
Finally, I’ve written on mental health and linked individuals’ plight to community responsibility. https://identityresearch.org/2013/06/06/mental-health-an-individual-issue-or-a-challenge-for-society/
I hope some of it is useful.
Guided meditations are offered freely by Tara Brach, Ph.D, psychologist, author and teacher of meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening.
Free audio meditations including a short meditation on acceptance, a calming meditation and a body scan. Listen now to soothe your mind and body.
hsw shows, show, podcast, video, stuff you should know, podcasts
Country — Kwame Anthony Appiah: Mistaken Identities. Tuesday. Philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah argues against a mythical and romantic view of nationhood
Invisibilia (Latin for invisible things) is about the invisible forces that control human behavior – ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions. Co-hosted …
The Story of the Pursuit of Happiness Project : Psychology meets Philosophy